Start your journey to becoming an outstanding Data Analyst that can compete anywhere in the world. We have structured the content to equip you with the foundation to jump start your career in Data Analysis. Using Power BI, Microsoft excel, Tableua, SQL and More.
What you will find in the brochure
Training Duration: 8 Weeks
Level of deficulty: Beginner friendly
Expected Outcome: From Newbie to Pro
Promo ends: September-24th, 2023
In this Module you learn the Basics, Scope value Chain & Best practices of Data Analytics
In this Module you learn the Basic of SQL, Various types of DATA TYPES, Components of SQL Syntax , Relational Database fundamentals and how to create an Entity Relationship Diagram.
In this Module you would learn how to use Aggregations, Functions and various types of Joins
In this module you learn how to create a create and format Visuals on power BI ,connect and transform data, create Power BI dashboards and publish Power Visuals.
You would learn the basics fundamentals of Machine learning and its application
At the end of this training you will work on a real project, after completion, you will be given a recognized certificate of training.